CURSILLO - Spring is here and what better way to refresh your faith by joining the 141th Men's Cursillo weekend on April 25-28th, weekend Theme is “Be still and know that I am God” lead by The Rector Robert Chamberlain and his team with Fr. Mathew Livingston. This is a wonderful spiritual and fun filled weekend where you may even discover your purpose, your talent, your being and maybe make new friends that are just like you. The weekend starts on Thursday night at the Notre Dame de La Providence Retreat House in Orleans and ends Sunday afternoon. All you who have done your Cursillo weekend make friend be a friend and bring a friend to Christ. Put your application early to ascertain a spot just you, no pressure if this is not your time then you will get a call later for future weekends. For more information on how to apply or obtaining a sponsor as you will need one, get in touch with : Helen or Wilf Lemoire at 613 590-7450 or
[email protected] or
[email protected]