Please start bringing in your palm branches from past Palm Sundays. Place them on the credenza at the back of the church or give them to the Sacristan on duty. They will be burned to make ashes for Ash Wednesday.
There will be a Lenten Day of Reflection at Good Shepherd Parish Saturday, April 13, 2019 from 8:00 am to 2:30 pm. All women and men of the parish are invited to attend this rich day of reflection. Fr. Allan MacDonald, General Superior of the Companions of the Cross, will lead the day.
I want to personally thank everyone who helped make our Christmas celebration a successful one. Without your help it would not have been done. You made this Christmas season a joyful and blessed one by giving your time and talent. My appreciation to Deacons Michael Seath and Philip Tang and to our talented lively different musical groups, sacristans, ushers, welcoming teams, Eucharistic ministers, the Knights of Columbus and our Décor team and all those who contributed towards Christmas flowers and the new nativity scene. Most of the time you don't hear, but the priest hears all the comments. Many parishioners and visitors said that the church was beautiful, the liturgical celebration an music were great, and the people were so welcoming. Keep up the good spirit! I would also like to extend my gratitude to everyone for the Christmas cards and your gifts. Thank you for being so kind towards me during Christmas time.
Pastoral Care is looking for a few volunteers who could assist us when one of our team is ill or on holidays, as we are sometimes spread a little thin. You would always be accompanied by a member of the Pastoral Care team, and would never go alone to visit someone. For our protection and for those whom we visit, we always visit in twos. Pastoral Care would always take the lead, but you might be asked to do a prayer reading or, if a Eucharistic Minister, to give Communion. If you feel you could spare a half hour every couple of months, please contact Carol Faure at 613-824-0693 or the Parish Office at 613-824-4394.