I want to personally thank everyone who helped make our Christmas celebration a successful one. Without your help it would not have been done. You made this Christmas season a joyful and blessed one by giving your time and talent. My appreciation to Deacons Dan Careau and Philip Tang and to our talented lively different musical groups, sacristans, ushers, welcoming teams, Eucharistic ministers, the Knights of Columbus and our Décor team and all those who contributed towards Christmas flowers and the new nativity scene. Most of the time you don’t hear but the priest hears all the comments. Many parishioners and visitors said the church was beautiful, liturgical celebration and the music was great and the people were so welcoming. Keep up the good spirit. I would also like to extend my gratitude to everyone for the Christmas cards and your gifts. Thank you for so kind towards me during Christmas time.
Our new sound system has been installed. Thank you to Steve Hughes and Cliff Seibel for all their dedication to this project. Thank you to all the Parishioners who donated to this project as well.
Advent is a season of prayer… we seek to improve our prayer habits, as individuals and as a family. The handouts on this activity are posted on the parish website: https://www.thegoodshepherdparish.com/news/reverse-advent-calendar-2019 Say a prayer each day…Come, Lord Jesus! …then place an item in your box. ** Please deliver your box to the church between 9:00 am – 12:00 Noon on Saturday 5 January 2019 **
Everyone is invited to consider donating to the liturgical décor for the celebration of the birth of Jesus. If you so wish, your donation may be made in memory of a loved one. All “in memory of” names will be published in the bulletins on the weekends of 21/22 and 28/29 December 2019. Specially marked envelopes are available from the Greeters or the Ushers at each Sunday Mass on the first three weekends of Advent; Please clearly PRINT your name and envelope number (for tax purposes), and clearly PRINT the name of the person(s) in whose memory you are making the gift. Donations will also be accepted at the parish office during working hours up to Friday 20 December 2019.
Under the Spiritual leadership of Fr. Vernon Boyd, SJ, Pastor of Holy Rosary Church in Guelph, Ont. October 19-30, 2020 for 12 days at $4390.00. Travel arrangements by International Heritage Tours. For more information, please contact Michael Kwadrans at 1-877-999-8868 ext. 367 or email at [email protected]. Flyers will be available at the church foyer.